Thursday, March 5, 2009

You gimme fevuh

So CaliforniaCooool

San Benito. I was trying to capture the awesome San Benito mascot--a cheesy jerri curled man.

Please click to enlarge so I feel my exhausting efforts are made worth while...

I know how much you all love month old photos...

This is too good not to share. Here are some notes from the tropics from correspondent Jason Chu:

bizarroshutup: dude this lady on the bus today
bizarroshutup: this asian lady, with a HUGE platinum blonde crimped wig
canoodlemonster: hahahha
bizarroshutup: and there were several crimped bundles on the top standing straight up - vertically
bizarroshutup: with half-blue-half-purple tinted sunglasses
bizarroshutup: maroon lipstick
bizarroshutup: and purple spaghetti strapped with aqua lace
bizarroshutup: and a short skirt
bizarroshutup: she moved me
bizarroshutup: she. moved. me.
bizarroshutup: AND she was staring at people

Freak list material for suuure. Wish he took a picture.