Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sick as a rainbow

Being in the ocean always makes me feel like I'm just a little bit more part of nature. I guess it's the fact that I'm standing in a portion of the water that covers 70.8% of earth's surface.

These beach pictures are exactly the kind of photos that I would want from a trip to the beach. The pictures accomplished this by representing exactly what what I saw and experienced in person. Sometimes when I get photos developed they just don't turn out to be exactly what I was attempting to capture. Upon viewing them for the first time at CVS today, I could practically feel the sand, smell the sea, hear the waves, and even remember the cold water on my legs.

Take a look!

Sorry about the small size. They're bigger than this on my computer but I'm having some blogspot confusion on...well just about everything. I'll learn!

I don't know why, but the beach is slightly intoxicating. Must be all the salt...

Stay tuned for many more photo posts to come. You can get excited to see all the pictures of yourself that I have never scanned!

Oh, P.S.
Fuck you Chris Brown. How could you do that to RiRi? Did she sell more records than you? I hope you never sell another record ever again. Don't call him an animal, there are other more vicious words for a man who can do that to a woman, another being in general.

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